24-26 August 2024
The 12th Annual Meeting of GPTCM RA was held on 24-26 August 2024 in Macau SAR, China. The program of this 2.5-days Meeting includes 5 keynote lectures, 7 interest groups sessions (Quality Control, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Regulatory Aspects, Clinical Studies, Good Clinical Practice Guidelines, Acupuncture – Moxibustion and Meridians, and Publication), as well as poster and oral presentations. It is also the first time to have a networking session with our Corporate members and sponsors on 23 August as a pre-meeting session, and a special lunch gathering for the early career participants on 25 August. This Meeting has provided a platform and great opportunity for all participants to present research findings and to gain knowledge in the TCM field, to meet old and new friends, exchange research ideas and explore new research collaborations.
Our Centre Director, Prof. Pang Chui Shaw, was invited to give a talk on ‘Application of next generation sequencing for quality control of herbal material’.
Details: https://www.gp-tcm.org/index.php/event/the-12th-gp-tcm-ra-annual-meeting/
The conference abstracts were published in the official journal “World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine”, 2024, Volume 10, Issue 3.
Please visit journal website for details: https://journals.lww.com/wtcm/pages/default.aspx